So I've been trying something new this last week. When asked out by friends, family friends or boys instead of shying away, declining the offer or finding an excuse to not attend I have began saying YES! Yes I would love to go on that date to Southbank with you, mysterious, aloof boy who asked for my number at work. Who am I to deny a potential soul mate the opportunity to get to know me? Yes, family friend I would adore going to brunch with you early Saturday morning! I'd be out of bed by 8am and enjoying delicious french toast with maple syrup and caramelized bananas and ice-cream! Yes I would love to help you move! Yes I want to spend Monday the coast swimming and tanning with you! Yes I'll come with you to pick up your girlfriend from the airport! Yes come and stay at my new apartment for the next 3 nights! Yes I will cover your 5-8pm at work Saturday night! Saying yes opens you up to alot of new experiences, people, memories and lessons. I think from now on 'yes' will be my answer as much as possible! Push yourself to be and do better - You wont regret it!

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